
Liu Po Shan Memorial College
A Three-Year Reading Journey

Through the three-year spiral reading scheme, students are expected to
1. develop an intrinsic interest in reading English books,
2. be exposed to a wide range of book genres and
3. take reading as their daily practice


1) Read-A-Pizza
a) An inter-class reading competition for S.1 classes
b) Run in two stages
c) At each stage, the class which has read the most books will have a pizza party
d) There are prizes for the best three readers who are the individual students reading the most books.

2) EncycloReadia
a) An inter-class competition for S.2 classes
b) Each student needs to read books according to the Reading Grid
c) Each student can complete as many reading grids as they can.
d) The class which has completed the most reading grids will be awarded.
e) ALL students of the winning class MUST at least complete one reading grid.
f) Each reading grid consists of a range of book genres.
g) The winning class can enjoy an outing (to be confirmed later) for free.

3) Read-Tac-Toe
a) An individual reading program for all students in S.3.
b) Every student in S. 3 can take part in the program on their own.
c) Participants read books according to the Tac-Toe Form.
d) Any student who has completed a certain number of Tac-Toe Forms will be awarded.